About the Knoxville Chapter

About the Knoxville Chapter

The charter for the Knoxville Chapter of the ALA (KALA) was issued on May 19, 1987. The Chapter meets monthly and actively supports ALA’s mission and goals.

The Knoxville Chapter provides eight to ten educational programs per year to its members, in addition to special projects with other organizations, such as the Knoxville Bar Association, the University of Tennessee Law School, and the East Tennessee Legal Aid Society. Members have a tremendous opportunity to network with and learn from other local administrators. Also, each fall the KALA conducts its annual compensation and benefits survey for all downtown law firms, providing valuable and very specific local information – free to Chapter members. The ALA conducts a similar national survey each year. Finally, the chapter presents a Law Firm Leadership Luncheon seminar each fall, inviting all leaders of the Knoxville legal community to attend.

Regular membership in ALA and the KALA is open to any full-time Administrator or support manager who is employed in a private law firm, corporate, government or university legal department or charitable legal agency. Associate membership is available to certain individuals. Membership is not open to our Business Partners or those that sell products and services to our members.

For more information on the KALA, or the ALA in general, interested Administrators and/or Managing Partners may also contact any one of the current Board Members.

Download A PDF of Our Bylaws

Mission Statement

The mission of the Knoxville Chapter of the ALA (KALA) is to improve the quality of management in legal services organizations, promote and enhance the competence and professionalism of legal administrators and all members of the management team, represent professional legal management and managers to the legal community and to the community at large, embrace and advance diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in our association and the legal industry, and provide members with a local resource for the exchange of information.

Goals Statement

The Goals of the Knoxville Chapter of the ALA (KALA) are:

  • Promote professionalism of legal administrators.
  • Offer professional assistance to chapter members.
  • Provide quality educational programs and opportunities to our chapter members.
  • Provide opportunities for professional growth and development of chapter members.
  • Develop and promote a professional relationship with the Knoxville Bar and the UT Law School.